Category / Project Updates

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  • Participate Chicago

    From September 22nd to September 26th NEIGHBOURCHANGE Project will be in Chicago, University of Illinois, to attend to Participate!, an international conference on socio-spatial concepts in interdisciplinary approaches to planning, on…

  • Policy workshop report now available

    The report of the Policy Workshop Can institutions learn? Scaling-up innovation in urban regeneration settings. Barcelona, Bologna and Naples is now available at this link.   Policy workshop report   The…

  • Can Institutions Learn? A Policy seminar in Venice. Sign up here.

    20th of June, Venice, Italy, Palazzo Badoer You are invited to register below. To guartantee a fruitfull discussion only 40 seats are available. The event is free. Can institutions learn?…

  • OTB Seminar at TUDelft

    OTB SEMINAR SOCIAL INNOVATION IN URBAN REGENERATION Wednesday June 13, from 12.00-14.00h (including lunch) Room 01.West.620 Elena Ostanel, PhD in Urban Planning and Marie Curie Fellow, Iuav University of Venice, Italy Enzo Falco, PostDoc…

  • Conference in Nicosia, Cyprus

    The Neighbourchange Project goes to Cyprus for The urbanization of (IN)Justice: Public spaces in uncertain geographies conference. The purpose of the conference is to unfold, discuss, rethink and challenge prevailing discourses about…

  • Field work in Toronto has started

    Parkdale Neighbourhood has been selected as case study for the field research in Toronto. Parkdale is a socially, culturally, and economically diverse neighbourhood. This diversity attracts a wide range of community…

  • NEIGHBOURCHANGE collaborates with Pla De Barris

    Pla de Barris is one of the most interesting initiatives in Europe dealing with neighbourhood planning and inequalities reduction. I spent this January in Barcelona to figure out how the…

  • The literature review is now available

    Thanks to the collaboration with the supervisors both in Canada and the Netherlands, this 1st literature review has been developed. Co-production, institutional learning and community development are three new keywords…

  • Conference in Rome. Cities and Self-organization

    The Neighbourchange Project goes to Rome to participate to the International conference “Cities and Self-organization”, organized by La Sapienza, AESOP and TracceUrbane. At the conference, I co-chair the session “Powers…

  • Neighbourchange Project has started

    The outgoing period has started. The Neighbourchange Project is now in Toronto to participate to the Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership (NCPR). The NCPR is major 7-year (2012-2019) research partnership underway…