OTB Seminar at TUDelft



Wednesday June 13, from 12.00-14.00h (including lunch)

Room 01.West.620

Elena Ostanel, PhD in Urban Planning and Marie Curie Fellow, Iuav University of Venice, Italy

Enzo Falco, PostDoc Research Fellow, OTB – Research for the Built Environment

About the colloquium:

Social innovation and active citizenship are deeply embedded in the urban planning discourse and practice (Moulaert, 2013; Servillo & Van Der Broek, 2012; Bailey & Pill, 2014). Entrepreneurial forms of active citizenship are considered as a new form of public management in Europe. Citizen-driven social innovation increases the possibilities for a broader range of people to become directly involved in all stages of social and urban action, while this activation may simultaneously fill the gaps left by government in basic social services (Alford 2009; Vicari & Moulaert, 2009; Ostanel, 2017). In a growing number of small and large cities across Europe, citizens are engaged and mobilized to demonstrate their ability in creating innovative solutions for important social and spatial issues. In this context, the rise of Web 2.0-based digital participatory platforms is adding yet another form to social innovation practice, revealing co-production patterns deeply embedded in the features of digital tools.

In order to be effective, citizen-driven social innovation requires two-way interactions and collaboration between citizens, governments and other relevant stakeholders. In this context, public institutions are increasingly challenged to find new ways to provide public value in an open, transparent way. Based on this premise, the workshop is aimed at discussing the role of social innovation, in particular in how it plays out in terms of institutional evolution and practices of collaboration in the context of urban regeneration settings.

Two main domains will be addressed in two talks; firstly, the patterns of co-production in urban regeneration practices, assessing different elements that are key to scale up innovation at institutional level: i) the organizational structure and procedures within the public organization and its political culture; ii) the incentives/supporting policies to social innovative practices; iii) the role and attitude of self-organization practices. Different real case studies within the Italian context will be discussed highlighting cross cutting issues and main differences. Secondly, the role of digital platforms in citizen engagement and co-production with government will be discussed as a specific manifestation of social innovation, with a focus on real-world cases where digital technology has played a catalyser role allowing for decisive and substantial co-production of ideas and decisions.

Title: Enhancing institutional learning trough practices of collaboration in urban regeneration settings

Elena Ostanel, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow on NEIGHBOURCHANGE

DPPAC- Department of Design and Planning in Complex Environment, IUAV, Venice

Title: Enabling co-production in urban regeneration initiatives through digital participatory platforms

Enzo Falco, Post-Doc Research Fellow in Smart Governance

Department OTB – Research for the Built Environment, TU Delft


Time schedule:
(lunch is included)

12.00 – 12.05: Welcome
12.05 – 12.45: Presentation by Elena Ostanel

12.45 – 13.15: Presentation by Enzo Falco
13.15 – 14.00: Discussion chaired by Reinout Kleinhans

Please reply to the OTB Secretary (secretariaat-OTB@tudelft.nl) before Friday June 8th if you want to participate in the colloquium. Replies are necessary for the catering.

Looking forward to your attendance and a fruitful discussion.

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